Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Today was a better day - I was able to spend a few hours having Cate and Luke over. Look at these faces!!!! How could they not make you smile. We decided to play around with my digital camera and download the pictures for the first time. Since I seem to have mastered that part, I figured I would move on and try to figure out how to post them on the blog. Easier than I thought :O)

Today Cate took first place in her wrestling match. This is the second time she placed first (out of three) Congratulations to our little baby Cate!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

More updates....

Well it looks like we might be in business soon.

Dear Members of the American Adoption Community Interested in Ukraine:> On January 12, the Rada (Ukraine's parliament) passed law 8680 givinginterim authority over adoptions to the Ministry of Education's NationalAdoption Center (NAC) until the new adoption authority is legallyestablished under the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports. The law willcome into effect as soon as it is signed by the President, who has up to 15days to review it.> The NAC has informed us that as soon as the law is signed by thePresident, the center will be reopened. The NAC will then issue a notice tothe adoption community regarding how families whose adoptions were suspendedor whose appointments were scheduled through January may proceed. As soonas the NAC's notice is issued, we will translate it and post it on our webpage, as well as send it to addressees on this e-mail list.> We strongly urge American prospective adoptive families who hadpreviously-scheduled January appointments NOT to travel to Ukraine untilsuch time as the NAC has issued a notice publicly confirming that thoseappointments will be honored.> Please continue to monitor the Embassy's web page for the current statusof adoption processing in Ukraine: http://kiev.usembassy.gov/.> The Embassy will continue to track this and other adoption-related issuesclosely, and provide updates as appropriate. Any American adopting parentswho would like to be added to our e-mail list are welcome to contact us athttp://us.f539.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=adoptionskiev@state.gov&YY=22956&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b .> Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.> Sincerely,> Adoption Unit/Immigrant Visa Section> Consular Section> American Embassy> Kyiv, Ukraine> Tel: 38-044-4904422> Fax: 38-044-490-4570> http://us.f539.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=adoptionskiev@state.gov&YY=22956&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b >

Newest Updates

Dear Members of the American Adoption Community Interested in Ukraine:On January 12, the Rada (Ukraine's parliament) passed law 8680 giving interim authority over adoptions to the Ministry of Education's National Adoption Center (NAC) until the new adoption authority is legally established under the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports. The law will come into effect as soon as it is signed by the President, who has up to 15 days to review it.The NAC has informed us that as soon as the law is signed by the President, the center will be reopened. The NAC will then issue a notice to the adoption community regarding how families whose adoptions were suspended or whose appointments were scheduled through January may proceed. As soon as the NAC's notice is issued, we will translate it and post it on our web page, as well as send it to addressees on this e-mail list.We strongly urge American prospective adoptive families who had previously-scheduled January appointments NOT to travel to Ukraine until such time as the NAC has issued a notice publicly confirming that those appointments will be honored.Please continue to monitor the Embassy's web page for the current status of adoption processing in Ukraine: http://kiev.usembassy.gov/.The Embassy will continue to track this and other adoption-related issues closely, and provide updates as appropriate. Any American adopting parents who would like to be added to our e-mail list are welcome to contact us at adoptionskiev@state.gov .Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.Sincerely,Adoption Unit/Immigrant Visa SectionConsular SectionAmerican EmbassyKyiv, UkraineTel: 38-044-4904422Fax: 38-044-490-4570adoptionskiev@state.gov

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bad day!

Especially if you are an adoptive parent you know about the "overwhelming" days. Today is one of those days. I don't know why but it seems like every so often everything starts to hit you and emotions start running you over.
There's no end in site for us. I think that is hardest part of all this. We have waiting for so long. Just waiting....and only for one thing - the damn appointment!!!
I did my daily check today of all the important websites, to see if there has been as progress in the new establishment and of course it had a disappointing end. It is almost as if the world has stopped in its tracks! I know our world has! Jason and I go on each day, but it is almost like we are zombies. We move forward because we know we have to, yet under the surface all we are really thinking about is this adoption. Everything we try to plan for the future is so unpredicable because we have no clue when we traveling. I know we have to just keep our chins up and it will happen when He thinks it is suppose to, but does it really need to be this hard?
Thanks to all of you who stop by to listen to my venting!! LOL
Oh...And good luck to you too Melanie. Thanks for your message! Let us know if and when you get any news!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

First posting

Well here we go....the journal of our search begins here. We'll post here every few weeks or as news comes in that way our family and friends will be able to stay current with our process.
We'll also update daily while in Ukraine so that all of you can be there with us on our journey to find Sofia Victoria Warchol!!!
Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers plentiful....... Lord knows we need it.