Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home Sweet Home!

Yes we arrived safely! We are here back in the good ole USA and boy is it great!

To bring you up to date, we left Mykoliv on Tuesday night and headed for Kiev by car. Leaving the orphange was extremly hard for us, but we took our time and really charished the moment. Olena did great and was very brave.

Once in Kiev she fell right into routine and "adjusted" quite well. We were in Kiev until Sunday morning, and flew out at noon. I will not terrify you with the details but lets just say I would have rather been going through labor pains for 12 hours. She was nasty....no sleep and she would not eat. I am surprised that the other passengers did not purposely have the plane crash just to put us all out of our misery. We landed in Detroit at 6pm Sunday night (1am Monday in Ukraine) and walked through the doors to a were warm homecoming. We had family there, friends, they had signs. It was amazing...Jason and I lost it and just starting bawling. It felt so good to be home. That night when I slipped under the covers and laid my head to sleep I truly felt like I was in heaven. Everything was finally perfect! My daughter was in her bed fast asleep, we were home, we had our family, and boy did that bed feel great! I have a new found appreciation for my life and those who share it with me. We have experienced a mircle and it has really changed our outlook on life.

As for the past few days, I honestly can say it couldn't get any better. Olena has been very good an is adjusting wonderfully. We have set right back into our routine and schedule. She is discovering new things every second and is so amazed. She absolutely loves all of the animals. (3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 huge fish tanks and a bird) She was not scared for one minute. And keep in mind she is only as tall as our smallest dog! She squeezes them, trys to ride them like a horse, steals thier food right out of their mouths, pulls and pinches their cheeks, and bites them!! Lets say, I don't feel that they share the same fondness of her, but I have a feeling in the future they will all be great friends!

I will post again after the holidays and keep you guys posted with her progress I will also get some recent photos. FYI : She will be 2 on January 2oth, upon arriving home she weighs 19.5 lbs, she is 28 inches tall, and wears a size 12 months! Lets see how quick this peanut grows!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and welcome home!

What a beautiful picture, are you going use it for your announcements?

Anonymous said...

She is so sweet! Can't wait to meet her! I'm so glad you guys are home safely and that all is going well. What a wonderful Christmas gift. God is truely good!

Anonymous said...

Love Jesse

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the adoption of your daughter. I followed your blog during your trip and really enjoyed reading about your journey. I can relate to your trip home. Ours was also exhausting our daughter would not eat or drink. She did not want off my lap she would cry for 10 minutes then sleep for 15 or maybe it was vice versa but that was our whole trip. I am surprised the man next to us did not asked to be moved to another seat. When we landed in Chicago we had family and friends waiting with pink balloons and it was fabulous!! I was exhaused and could not keep from crying. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday. I will look forward to updates in 2007

Anonymous said...

Lyra didn't eat on the way home either... except for rolls. She ate airplane rolls but nothing else. She still won't eat anything but bananas, bread, and oatmeal. I am putting vitamin drops in her oatmeal and waiting until she decides to try something new. I've tried everything from soup to noodles and she only wants bananas and bread.

I laughed at your comment about crashing the plane to put you out of your misery. You knew it was coming from about day three, though, didn't you:):):) She is a spunky little thing and I love the pic in front of St Andrews.

Hugs and Kisses!

Anonymous said...

hi i cant wait to see olanea ().
() means smiels nether can i wait
for x-mas 2 days away i think?
like the pictuer.lovekaitlin

Anonymous said...

we also adopted a little girl from Russia. She's been home for almost 3 years now and at a year she was wearing size 6 month clothing, and now that she'll be 4 in April, she's 41 lbs and 42 inches and wearing size 4/5! what a joy she has been to our family and I know your little girl will be doing the same for you. take care, from Canada