Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sunny days of May

Hi everyone, sorry we haven't posted in awhile. Jason is guilty of downloading music onto our computer which was infected with a Trojan virus, so needless to say, our system is temporarily down. Which really sucks!! We lost a ton of pictures and of course the luxury of updating the blog! We are using a laptop but it is not hooked up to anything, and it is crammed here on our desk, squeezed in between the one that doesn't work! Nice huh?? I am waiting for Rickie to take the broken home so her boyfriend can hopefully retrieve some of the stuff on it. In the mean time we are suppose to get a new one so it seems so pointless to take the time to hook this one up to the printer, scanner and camera. However, not hooking it up, means no pictures for you. And as we all know, you come here for the pictures :0) I have a ton of cute ones too that I would like to post. Maybe I will take some time over the weekend and see if I can get it done.

But back to the important stuff, Olena! She is having a great time. Enjoying the summer weather that has finally graced us. Just like every other kid, going outside is the first thing she wants to do when she wakes up and we have to drag her in at night to get her in bed. I believe she would live out there if I'd let her. She has everything that she needs, she got a Little Tykes Play house, and car. Then a few weeks ago we bought her a play scape from Toys R Us. It has a club house, slide, rock climber, swings....the whole shabang! Spoiled ya think?? oh and she shares the pool with Mugsy. Poor dog! He is a pool freak and he has had this pool for about 3 years now and out of the 3 dogs he is the only one who uses it. Then here comes Olena....now it is her pool! today I looked away for 2 seconds and when I turned back around there she was laying down in the pool kicking and splashing, laughing as hard as she could with Mugsy standing over her licking her face like crazy. The funny part was that she was fully dressed; sneakers, jeans, onsie, and loaded diaper, eeeewwwww! which I was unaware of until I rescued her. At least I thought I was rescuing her, she on the other hand thought that I was ruining the most fun she has ever had in her life, and boy was she not happy with me! AHH the life of a two year old!! but we are having a blast. She is trying to talk in full sentences, however she speaks what I like to call the "Lana language" she is saying something, I just have no idea what? She listens remarkably well, but stills finds it necessary to argue everything I say. No one else, just mommy. While Jason and I are outside doing yard work she is given small tasks to do to help out, and she really enjoys being a "helper". She walks around all proud of herself. She also has house hold chores like setting the table, feeding the cats their treats, watering her strawberry plant and cleaning her room. She does everything that she is suppose to and she knows what is expected of her. These kids strive so much to please you, it is amazing. They just want to belong and be loved. It is very common for her to walk up to Jason or I and out of the blue, give us a hug and say "love you". It is so heartwarming to know that she actually understands love and understands how to give it. I know I have said this a million times, but I look at her everyday and still can't believe she is mine, and how perfect she truly is! We are so lucky to be her parents and I hope every last one of you out there waiting find this happiness as well.
It is getting really late and I am exhausted so I must go now. Happy Mother's Day in case I don't post before then and I promise to have pictures next time around.

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