Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

This marks the end of our adoption blog. I have enjoyed sharing our experiences with all of you, and hope that I was able to help or at least entertain a majority of you.

The original purpose of this blog was to keep the family in touch while we were in Ukraine. It turned into something much more than that, and I have all of you to thank. I honestly never would have thought my life would be interesting enough to attract so many people!! LOL!

The blog managed to transform into something more, which has been a blessing in disguise. I have made many new friends, I have helped a few other adoptive parents keep their faith in the system, and I know for a fact I inspired a few out there to actually consider adoption for their own families. This alone has made every last second of this blog worth it.

If you are currently in the process, be patient...it will be a long and grueling wait, but in the end none of it matters. And then for those of who have just stumbled across this blog, keep adoption in your heart. Domestic or international, who cares - just give a child a chance for a family. I have read and seen many stories and about couples who have struggled and suffered with infertility. You hear about the years and years of pain that has been bestowed upon them and my hearts breaks. It saddens me because I know that if they could just open their heart, they would see that it is not a barricade to becoming a parent, just a detour. God has created two paths for us to become parents, some are just too scared to try the path less traveled. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying this in a negative way, I just hope that our family and Olena have made, at least just one person, give that second road a chance, regardless of the reason. Adoption shouldn't just be a last resort....it should be another choice you have as a parent!

Most of you know that Olena was adopted by choice. At this time I am not considered infertile and Jason and I have not tried to conceive yet. The time will come that we will attempt it. If it happens, of course it is a blessing. If it doesn't....I have no shame -No shame as a woman, No shame as a wife - there are way too many orphans in this world to worry about such nonsense!

Also if you are reading this blog for the first time and if you have any adoption questions, please feel free to email me. I will do my best to help you in any way I can.

Thank you everyone and God Bless.


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Final thoughts

Well this is it. This will be my last post. I honestly am having a really hard time trying to decide what to write so I figured short and sweet was the way to go.

This last year has been rewarding yet very tough. The adoption process was cake walk comparing to learning how to become a mother! This was by far one of the most difficult things that I have had to overcome in my life. The ability to understand, have patience for and really appreciate a child takes strong emotional and physical will. Yet all of the hard work is paid in full once you see that beautiful smile, or hear that sweet giggle. Being a parent is a miracle regardless of how it happens.

I have spent the last few weeks thinking about Ukraine and the other kids in the groupa. It brings so many feelings back. I am happy to say, that Jason and I have decided to return! It is nothing that is going to happen any time real soon, but within the next 3-4 years we will like to return and adopt a sibling set. Olena will be old enough to understand and much easier to travel with. Now some of you might be thinking that is a long "down time" between children, but our other goal is to have a baby too....before returning to Ukraine! Our 5 year timeline goal.

2009 get pregnant
2010 move
2011 start adoption process
2012 hopefully travel to Ukraine.

Ideal for me would be a sibling set with one being older than Olena and one being between Olena and the "baby", or even a set of twins would be awesome! but as well all know Ukraine is constantly changing, so who knows how it will work at that time! Only time will tell. But we have a reachable goal in mind and something to look forward to so I am pretty excited.

Again, I hope were all able to take something away from this blog, whether it be encouragement, hope or even just "entertainment". I have enjoyed having someone listen, and someone to vent to. Good luck and God Bless everyone in their journey of life!

20 Things you may not know...

Thought this might be fun, and maybe even helpful to some of you!!

1. I call Olena - Lana. Her name is pronounced OLANA so Lana seems so much easier :) I just don't like to write Lena because then it looks like LEna. Which I am not really too fond of!

2. Yes, my daughter does say the occasional swear word! Mommy and daddy sometimes have a potty mouth and our little angel has picked up a few naughty words. Hopefully she thinks an ASS is a donkey!

3. I have wanted to duck tape my daughter to the wall a few times, especially these past few weeks!

4. A bit too often, if Olena gets up before 730am, I have her sit on my bed and watch cartoons because I want to lay there under the covers for just a little bit longer.

5. Since becoming a mother, I don't think I have ever left this house without forgetting at least one thing!

6. I have been late to work at least 3 times a week since becoming a mother! Thankfully I have the best bosses in the world!

7. I sometimes doubt my ability to be good mother.

8. I think my baby is the cutest baby in the world :)

9. I have dreams of Olena being famous - she just fits the part so well!

10. I always forget she is adopted.

11. I never like washing her hair. She makes such a big fuss and I always end up getting wet and listening to her scream at me. It usually ends with me just dumping water over her head and both of us getting mad at each other.

12. I have picked up something off my floor and have fed it to her! OMG!!!

13. She has some nervous habits that drive me CRAZY!

14. I love this little girl, more than anything in this world.

15. I will always to thankful to Ukraine.

16. I always include Olga and Sergei (Lana's birth parents) and the groupa in my nightly prayers.

17. I wish I could locate Olena's brother - I have tried and have been unsuccessful.

18. One of the biggest accomplishments I have achieved this year is overcoming my fears and having the birth family search done.

19. Olena likes to eat dog biscuits and cat treats

20. Last but not least...I will miss this blog!!
Looking pretty for the Christmas party

Lana with her Dadu on his 50th birthday! Can you believe my dad is only 50! I tease him he's old but look at him...pretty handsome.

mommy being brave and giving Lana a RED sucker BEFORE the Christmas party!

Daddy and Lana playing b ball. Grampy got her the new hoop. She loves it.

Yelling at mommy while she tries to take a picture.

We were leaving cookies, milk, and reindeer food for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Baby it's cold outside....

It snowed the week before Christmas, I opened the door to let the dogs out and showed Olena the snow.

me: "Lana, do you want to go outside and play in the snow?"
O: (with a look of digust on her face) "bbrrr, baby its cold outside, NO!"

I laughed my butt off. Then I bundled her up and made her go outside anyway. And as you will see in the following pictures. She was not very happy with my decision, and after getting upset about me trying to get her to play in the knee high snow, she insisted that her and Mugsy sit in the hatch of my truck. Guess she is not much of a snow bunny!

Olena meets Santa

For our first Family Day celebration we decided to go and meet Santa! We waited 2.5 hours, which seems crazy, but it was well worth it. She LOVED Santa! She talked his ear off and of course won him over. He kept saying how precious she was. Jason and I really thought that she would have a screaming fit, but much to our surprise it was just the opposite, and once it was over all she talked about was Santa bringing her "BIG toys!" - her words exactly. Christmas this year was definitely a lot more fun and interesting. I couldn't have asked for a better Holiday.