Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Monday, January 08, 2007

What a Blessing from above!

I know my last post was not too promising, but this week we have made GREAT progress. We are on day number 3 of a perfect little girl. And when I say perfect, I truly mean it. We have not had 1 tantrum, not one crying incident, she has obeyed EVERYTHING that I have asked her to do, she has been extremly easy at nap and bedtime and she is sleeping like she is hibernating. Today I had to wake her up at 9:30 - she went to bed at 8:45! I just can't believe it. Jason and I are in pure heaven right now. I know it will not be this way everyday but it has been nice to finally have some peace. It has given us an opportunity to get some real family time in and we have been able to bond a little more. It is so delightful having a happy toddler running around the house giggling, and singing!

Today we even had our first doctors appointment. She did great! We were there for 2 1/2 hours and she loved every minute of it and behaved the entire time. (she also hugged every kid in the waiting room, it was so sweet!) Of course she cried when they took blood but that was pretty tough I must admit. They had to take 3 vials out of her arm and it took a good 3 minutes - while I practically laid on top of her, a nurse held her arm, another nurse took the blood, and a third nurse collected and changed the vials. Quite the setup huh?? I honestly don't think she even noticed the needle, it seemed she was more mad about the fact that there were so many people hovering over her! Regardless, she handled herself very well and had a quick recovery. Despite this drama, she got a clean bill of health with the exception of a very mild heart murmur. We are going to go get a echocardiogram just to be safe but the doctor said not to worry. The Doctor was also extremly impressed with the progress she has made already. She can name several objects in a room, and she knows just about all the parts of her body. She is so unbelievably smart. Especially after these past few days, I can see how blessed we are with a child who is adapting very well. She belongs here and now she knows where she fits in, and I think that is really making a lot of the difference. .


cara said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I just found your blog-I am so excited for you. We adopted from Ukraine last year. 2 yr old boy from Odessa, we spent almost ten weeks there. He is a great blessing to us also. I am already thinking of how to save the money to go back for another one. Please keep blogging, I really enjoy reading it. Cara www.norbycjukraineangel.blogspot.com

Tonya said...

EXCELLENT!!!! I'm so glad to hear that she is doing better! Maybe it was just her not feeling good that was making her crabby.
