Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy 2007!

Happy New Year Everyone! Boy has it been a hell of a year already LOL New Years came and went while we slept. We were in bed by 10:30 and did not have one regret. Yes we are nerds but we were very tired and sick so we had reason to call it a night early. . All three of us have been sick for about a week now with the flu and we have all been miserable including little Miss Olena. On top of being sick she cut 3 teeth this week...all I can say is OMG!!! I definitely got a reality check about being a parent. We have spent several days with nothing but Olena sleeping and screaming. We quite enjoyed the sleeping part but we dreaded the fact that sooner or later she was going to wake up and screaming was going to continue. I truly felt sorry for the poor little thing but when your running a fever and already feel like your head is going to explode her screaming is kinda hard to handle! Today however we are making progress in the right direction. She only had 2 fits and they were pretty minor in comparison to the past week, and she actually played today. She also ate everything in sight which made me happy because I know that she has lost a pound or two. Jason and I also still feel a little under the weather but we should be good as new in a couple more days.

Things have been tough...and I would be lying if I said that we were all peachy keen. We of course are still trying to adjust to her and learn to be good parents. And she is trying to adjust to us and this whole new life. And it is so tough because in the back of your mind you are always wondering "are the choices I'm making really o.k for an adopted 2 year old who still is learning to love and trust me". Everyday that I deal with a tantrum, or discipline her, that thought is there... just lingering in my head!?! I guess all I can do is hope for the best and hope that she knows and understands that we love her more than life.

On a good note she is changing so much. Each morning I walk into her room I see a change in that beautiful little face. He hair is getting longer and is so much shinier. Her eyes are brighter and cheeks are rosey. She is picking up words like crazy and is kinda like a little parrot, she attempts to repeat everything we say. She is still discovering new things everyday that completely amaze her and she LOVES every animal she meets. We went to my girlfriends house the other day and she has a cat that is actually use to children. Olena held that darn cat and squeezed the dear life out of her for over 35 minutes. It was amusing to watch her just sit there and completely love this cat to death. (She tries to pick our cats up all the time but they don't go for that, they are smart...they run!)

We are thankful everyday to God for this beautiful gift...and we continue to pray for normality and home of happiness and peace! (Hopefully this prayer won't take as long to answer LOL!!!)

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