Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Lets not forget about them.

The children who are available for adoption in Ukraine are not allowed to be photographed and "published" for view due to current Ukrainian laws. This is meant to protect the children and eliminate the chances of unethical or illegal adoptions . That is why in my slide show you will not see any full view faces of the children from the desky dom.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hangin out in Canada, A!

We spent the day at my best friend, Rickie's house in Canada. Granted Rickie sees Olena all week (she is her nanny) Rickie loves to have her over for a visit. They live on a 'bush' so their house and yard are infested with every kind of imaginable bug...which drives me absolutely crazy. Hornets, spiders, crickets, crickets and more crickets, frogs, grass hoppers, beetles galore...it is paradise for the local birds....and my daughter, the bug freak. Uncle Dan was cutting the grass and standing on their deck looking down, it looked like a bug city. There were bugs up the waazoo crawling in the grass, eeewwwwhhh! Olena couldn't stop laughing. So Toycha (aka Rickie) got the bug jar and they went hunting. The big catch of the day was Hopper the grass hopper. This bug was a mutant I swear! This was by no means a normal size bug! When we let him loose on the deck Olena kept poking it in the butt to make it jump! Now that was funny :)


Anonymous said...

sorry to have to correct you but it not "A" it's "eh" and the bug looked like a grasshopper.

The Warchols said...

Glad you thought it looked like a grasshopper, because that is what I said it was....eh!

Tonya said...

Oh, those canadians! They just never cut us any slack!:):):)

Landon said "eh" (or "A") all the time when I first met him. He's been southernized now so he says "yall".

Olena is so cute!

Brian, Pamela, Angelina said...

Hi Christina & Jason,
How are you! Thanks for the encouragement and posts on our blog. We are very happy we can finally access it from China through a different path. Olena sure is growing fast and she has such blonde hair. Looking at all of the picks of our girls you can tell they are all very happy and why would they not be? They have cool and loving parents, eh? Take care and we miss you guys.
Brian & Pamela